Man, if you’re gay we can be friends. If you’re straight, we can be friends…I really don’t give a fuck and I don’t think anyone should care about what another man’s preference is…As long as you’re a great person and, y’know, you don’t bother me and make me uncomfortable, then let’s be friends, dude. (…) [Hip-hop] needs to stop being so close-minded because that will just cause the genre to fail. Look at pop. Pop doesn’t discriminate against people. Look at Lady Gaga, y’know what I mean? Who the fuck makes the rules for hip-hop? Who the fuck dictates who’s cool and who’s not?

A$AP Rocky talks to Spinner about homophobia within the hip-hop sphere, saying homophobia in hip-hop is ‘retarded’. 

Download’s „Selector“ Mixtape

Download’s „Selector“ Mixtape